Come Walk With Me by Georgina Buchanan

By Georgina Buchanan
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When Adam and Eve's physical bodies ingested the forbidden fruit it changed  their spiritual mind. Their act of disobedience gave sin's entrance into their perfect world. Up until that moment fear, emotional or physical was unknown to them. Though they lived in a physical world they had unfettered spiritual communication with their heavenly creator, but through that one action their spirits became constricted with a spirit of condemnation. Their senses were now encased in fear. The very animals that had been their friends were now used as a sacrifice for their sins and a covering for their shame.
A Wrong Mindset
Today in our modern world, it is politically incorrect to cover ourselves with animal skins, but we are still trying to cover ourselves with whatever will make us look or feel worthy. Adam and Eve never thought about how much money they had, they had dominion over everything, or how big their house was, the whole earth was their home, or even who they knew, they had afternoon tea with the ruler of the universe.
Now we compare everything to these three things, how much you have, how big it is, and who knows you have it. Even our relationship with our heavenly Father is so often measured by these three things.  If I don't have much money - he must not love me very much.  If I live in a shack on the side of the road - I must not have enough faith, or my favorite, if you don't know anybody important it's because you are not important. Satan, who had been kicked out of his place in heaven, tricked Adam and Eve into being removed from their home in the Garden. He was able to make Adam believe he was no longer loved by God, but he could not make God stop loving Adam.
Father Wants Me
Today we see many variations of sin. Some are so heinous we can't speak of them and though God's creation seems to be almost unrecognizable, Father God is still yearning to be in fellowship with his creation. This brings me to the point of this writing. When Father God sent His son Jesus to redeem us and to bring us back to Himself it could only be done through the blood of Jesus. For generations, we have been taught about the blood that was shed on the cross for our sins. We were taught that Jesus rose from the tomb, which allowed us to go to Heaven when we die, but we were not taught that God wanted to have friendship with us. We were taught the rules and regulations of salvation, but not how to be friends with God. It was not until a few years ago that I finally understood that God was not wanting something from me - but He was wanting me.
In 2003 my husband and I started on a journey that was beyond our comprehension. After doing all the "do's" such as fasting and praying and casting and rebuking and seeding and every possible variation of those actions, I sat down on the floor one day and told God He had completely failed me in every way. I told him He was an "errant Father who was way-way behind in His child support payments."  As I sat there totally empty and finally still, He began to talk to me in that still small voice. He spoke to me as a father would a sick child. With a calming and soothing tone of voice, He told me "He hadn't wanted anything from me, He just wanted to be with me." I was shocked to say the least, and it took me quite a while longer to learn how to just BE in His presences. Like with Adam and Eve - Father God wants to walk with us in the cool of the evening.
All About Relationships
There is much to be done for the glory of God in this world and in our lives, but in this new season everything will come from not just the knowledge of God but ALL will come from our relationship with God.  When we share Christ with our neighbors, or the stranger at the gas station, we will tell them about OUR heavenly Father. We won't tell them of the rules and regulations of salvation, but of a loving Father, who loves them and wants them to come back into a relationship with Him. The scripture says "they will know you by your love." (John 13:35)
When you know the unconditional love and fellowship of Father God, it makes it so much easier to share that love with others. The Bible is not a book of rules - but a love letter from the creator to His creation. When was the last time you just took it and snuggled up with the author to hear what He had to say to you?
Georgina Buchanan,

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