Jesus, the Outsider by Mick Mooney

By Mick Mooney
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When Jesus turned up to start his public ministry, he did things differently. He didn't schmooze with the politically connected and wealthy, nor did he get cozy with the ruling religious class in the hope of gaining support and influence. He didn't obsess over his own image in the hope of presenting himself as picture-perfect, with picture-perfect followers and admirers. Instead, he identified with those with no image in the eyes of the ruling class. He picked a bunch of teenagers and a few young men from the poorest, most mocked part of the country, and even threw in a tax collector that the whole nation despised.
He openly befriended women, even the most despised in the eyes of his own nation, Samaritan women, and prostitutes of ill repute. He drank alcohol liberally with those society looked down upon, much too liberally for the religious folks of the day, causing him to be branded a 'glutton and a drunkard.'
He publicly exalted the women who followed him, at times pointing out how they understood the truth about God while both the Pharisees and his own male disciples failed to grasp the reality of his ministry and the true character of God.
But he did more than just identify with those whom society so easily cast into its shadows. He came to stand up to all the religious bullies standing behind their pulpits and holy robes, obsessed with twisting the God of love into some kind of split-personality mental case.
A Light in the Darkness
He went on record, talking openly while making His claims, that God does not consider it acceptable behavior for anyone to harass, suppress and abuse people because they hold a position inside a religious institution or have some kind of religious title before their name.
He came to be a light for all who were living in the darkness of the abusive and manipulative tactics of those in powerful positions in religious institutions. To the everyday person, he offered: "Come follow me, for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." But to the religious leaders he declared: "And you experts in the Bible, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them."
The only thing that got Jesus mad, from what we see in the account of his ministry, is thinking one can judge and condemn others and place a heavy burden upon them due to a belief that they are some kind of divine mediator for God on earth.
In the gospel accounts we see that Jesus' finger was not pointed at those with moral sins. The only time Jesus pointed his finger in judgment was when it was pointed at the religious, hardened in heart by their pious pride, who made it their self-appointed duty to look down upon, correct and condemn others.
Breaking the Yoke
In every way, Jesus went against the grain of the strongly established social, cultural and religious prejudices. And in doing so he broke this awful yoke off the neck of all who wanted to be set free from it. The yoke of the social, cultural and religious falsehood that measures people unjustly, that pushes people down, that keeps rank, that keeps count. That separates. That rejects. That oppresses. That disqualifies.
He consistently stood on the side of those society looked down upon, and lifted them up. Time and time again he showed those who were exalted in society - by wealth, title, sex, or nationality - that the very people they pitied were in fact the very ones greatly blessed. Yes, blessed, for while they may have been looked down upon by men, they were not looked down upon by God. Rather, they were as equal as everyone else in God's eyes.
Jesus showed us all by his life - and also by his death - that there are no outcasts or outsiders in God's eyes. There is no unclean. There is no lesser sex. There is no lesser color. There is no lesser race. There is no lesser human being.
Mick Mooney
By D R Silva
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