Why is the Church Weak and Scrawny? Part 2 By Dr. Kluane Spake

By Kluane Spake

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We've been talking about the Finished Work! To me, these are the GREATEST WORDS EVER SPOKEN! For all the earth. The "Finished Work" is the most significant Bible truth for you to know!
To be sure, there is fierce opposition to the message of life and freedom!
  • Beloved, we are weakened because many of us have fallen short of realizing what this "Great Exchange" of salvation really means! We know in part - and yet our understanding is veiled. We all need greater revelation on what is finished. It is finished in us, as we comprehend it!
The great question for the Church today is "How can we reap what has ALREADY been sown?" How can we live in joy, happiness, and peace, now and forever more?
  • We are weak because we are waiting for the Kingdom to come... one of these days, oh glory. 
On the Cross, Jesus brought forth the Kingdom - one that does not come with observation, nor will it ever - because it is IN YOU AND ME. The Kingdom has already come! We are to bring this heavenly reality to earth. NOW.
On the Cross, Jesus brought forth the Kingdom - one that does not come with observation, nor ever will, because it is IN YOU AND ME.
Everybody Breathe
Consider, if Jesus did NOT FINISH everything.....then He is not the Savior of the world, there is no need for the New Testament, no need for Church, no resurrection (He would not have had victory over death without finishing), no reason for celebration, and therefore, no hope.
If you or I can do anything more to make it happen, then it is not finished.
  • The church is weak because they think God is MAD at them and everybody else. They feel that they have to do something more to make this angry God happy. I have to pray more. Fast more. But...God is NOT MAD. In fact, God is happy. He loves you and wants you to fill your mind with who you are IN HIM, and Who He is in you!
  • The church is weak because of internal division instead gaining unity. We seem to be looking for difference as reasons to separate. Love God MY WAY or it isn't right! (Books to write on this point!)
  • The church is weak because soooo many stay "Rapture ready!" Too many think that life will be easy and we can escape the hard times. Believers are weak because they have not been prepared to be strong and overcome. We all need to be able to stand in hard times and endure. To strategize. To know what to do next.
We Already have Victory
We'll talk about more reasons next newsletter.
By ongoing revelation, we embrace the Kingdom rule that we were ALREADY given. We take our place. As joint heirs with Jesus, we have victory over the world, over sin, and over Satan. As kings and priests with Christ, we have already, the revealing of Who He is. We are the saviors on Mount Zion, we are the trees planted by the River of Life. In Him, we are the ANSWER - the revealing of Christ in a people.
HERE IS MY DECISION:  If there was anything Jesus didn't do it for me, it didn't need to be done!
Dr. Kluane Spake

Visitor Comments (1)

Why the Church is weak.

I was disturbed about your comments saying the church is weak. I see this as a defeatest attitude. The other points you make are true. I believe that the church is rising in the hour and we need to see things more positively. God bless you, Carolyn Levin

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