Dreams: God's Treasures of Darkness by Barbie Breathitt

By Barbie Breathitt

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How do you see yourself? How do others view you? Do you know the thoughts that God has towards you? Did you know that God is always thinking positive thoughts about you? God desires to fulfill His divine promises to you. God is always strategically aligning us for success. In order to do this sometimes God has to bring us full circle, back to the beginning, to recall a dream He gave decades ago. He knows the plans of wellbeing He has in mind for us, plans that will give us a new hope for the future. God listens to us when we call on Him. When we pray and seek Him with our whole heart we will find His beautiful face and tender blue eyes that have been gazing upon us all along. When we embrace the dreams God has designed, He is able to exchange the ashes of our pitiful failures for the beauty of His great success.
God shows us who we were, who we are, and who we are created to become, in the dreams He sends. He sees you in a totally different light than you see yourself. People may see you in a limited or narrow way, but God sees you reaching your greatest possible destiny in and through Him. God always views us through His eyes of love. When we agree with the way God sees us, we begin the transformation process. This allows God to accelerate things in our lives. We begin to catch up with God's timetable. He is able to restore to us the years that the devourers of failure and missed opportunities have consumed.
The Strategic Release of Dreams
God designed the dreams that reside within us to come to light at a particular point in our lives. God strategically releases His dreams within us at a designated time, and then from that moment on, He relates to us as a whole, new, completed person. He no longer communicates to us according to our past or how we were, before the dream imprinted making the needed changes in our spiritual DNA.
Dreams have the power to impart, renew, heal, transform, and reprogram us. If we don't come into the understanding of the dream and correctly interpret it, against the backdrop of God's prescribed script, we can lose valuable time. But, if we understand the message of our dreams, God will accelerate our timeline and increase our measure of blessings.
When we are faithful in the little things, like recording and interpreting our dreams, God trusts us with the grander scales of revelation knowledge. The more we hunger for God, the further we will grow in our ability to taste His goodness. We touch God with our heart and see the internal wonders of His beauty with our eyes. When we passionately love God we delight in the discipline of spiritual pursuits, so God can trust us with great riches in both the natural and spiritual realms.
Never allow complacency to take root or spiritual growth will become stagnant. Spiritual hunger must take precedent over everything else or the simplicity of Christ will not manifest in that person's dreams. God reveals Himself to babes, those with a childlike faith, but He hides Himself from the wise in thick darkness. When we have God dwelling within us, we have the source of all there is to have and know. When we have God, we have nothing to lose, even if we lost everything.
Our Knowledge of His Ways
Once understanding comes in a specific area of our lives, God continues to build upon that level of understanding until we are able to grasp a higher or fuller knowledge of His ways. God relates to us, as if we have already become the amazing person He designed us to be from the beginning. The old person no longer exists; all things have become new in Christ. This is why it is imperative that we continue to focus on and call to remembrance the mighty things God has spoken to us in His Word and through our dreams.
Grace and peace are multiplied to us when our knowledge of His ways and plans for our lives become preeminent. Seeing the plans and purposes God has reserved for our success in dreams allows us to achieve them. God's divine plans are written on the tablets of our heart. As we study to show ourselves approved, as a friend of God, His training and equipping process allows us to progress and step into our destiny.
Every increase or advancement in life involves a step-by-step process. God's patience woos and draws us to Himself by the touch of the Holy Spirit's breath. We hear and feel the Spirit's call and respond to His gentle contact and prompting. We see the plan of salvation and accept it as a gift. Now the Holy Spirit has activated all five of our spiritual senses. We smell His presence arrive, feel His touch, hear His voice, taste that He is good, and we see His plan for our lives in Christ. We have to hear His voice in the Word to have faith; we have to see Him, to be like Him. We need to understand His plan to embrace it in its fullness. We must believe that God rewards those who diligently seek His face and do His will. God's presence is a sweet smelling savor.
God is within us. This is the generation of God-seekers who search for Him day and night. We continually seek God's face and with God's help we will find Him. We study God's Word to train our spiritual and natural gifts to become the person God has destined us to become. When our training process is mature, because it never ends, we become His witnesses proclaiming His greatness, interpreting His spiritual expressions, boldly demonstrating His power with signs, wonders and miracles following.
Seeking God's Face
Our spiritual journey is not one of the minds, but one of the hearts felt love. Let us seek God through the dreams of the night and the trances of thought that entertain, when our blinded eyes are finally given visionary sight that is emboldened by His grace. Let the Holy Spirit's whispers of wisdom come to the prudent. Let the deaf ears hear and encourage our mouths to speak of His grace.
When we seek God's face, we should expect to gain understanding of the mysteries received in the treasures of darkness. Spiritual riches are hidden in dreams, in the secret place of His eternal presence. Those who seek the Lord understand all things. He who trusts in the Lord will prosper and be exalted. And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; for You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You (Psalm 9:10).
God's ways are past finding out. God's love is eternal, it has no beginning or end, no limit, for His love is incomprehensibly vast. God's perfect love casts fear out of His beloved. Love wills a person good and everlasting welfare, never harm or evil. Love gives freely to the object of its affection holding no record of wrong. We are the friends of a loving God who laid down His life for us. Herein is love that while we were sinners and enemies of God He sent His only Son Jesus, to die for humanity.
Correctly Positioned by God
God's favor rests upon those who allow Him to correctly position them to reach their greatest potential. Success comes when we expect success. When our hope is centered on Christ our expectations will draw God's wisdom, goodness and favor, to lead and guide us to become successful. When we are correctly positioned, we will live and move and have our being in God. Success comes from God, cycles through Him, and flows like a circuit back to Him. The Father is continually emptying Himself into Jesus. The Holy Spirit then empowers Jesus to empty Himself back into the Father so the cycle of giving and sharing love never ends.
When we discover the mind of God, He becomes the wise counselor to us. Dreams issue an invitation that allows us to see ourselves the way God sees us both now, in the future, and for all eternity. Our identity in God is bigger and better than the way we see ourselves today. True knowledge and authority come through experiencing the Living Word, Jesus, in our lives.
Before we were created God skillfully crafted all of our days. He nestled dreams and visions deep within our soul before He created time. God alone knows the beginning from the end. He existed before time began, and God will exist after the final grain of sand slips through the neck of time's hourglass.
Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt