Perfect Love is Calling Forth Warrior by Lana Vawser

By Lana Vawser

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I saw many in the "process" lately between the promised released and the breakthrough.
Many have been feeling battered and wounded by the process. I saw many feeling that they cannot endure the process any longer as they feel the process is "killing them" on the inside. The battle has been too hard.
Suddenly I saw Papa God and He began to CALL OUT what He had placed inside His children. These words of love were being spoken SO loudly over His children. Words of such affirmation, words of acceptance, words of love! Many have been feeling like they have been "failing" in the process and condemnation of self is all around. I saw Papa God bend down on one knee and invited His people to look Him straight in the eyes. He then spoke "I am PROUD OF YOU because of WHO YOU ARE not WHAT YOU DO."
There was such a love and affirmation in His voice! It was a voice of love that saw past all the "stuff" and called out the GOLD in His children.
Healing Words
As He spoke tenderly with love over those feeling battered, broken and wounded by the process of waiting and contending, His words were like liquid honey and they began to heal all the wounds of His people. Body, mind and soul!
I saw Papa God stand to His feet and with such love and authority He spoke "WARRIOR ARISE."  Suddenly I saw the power of God fall upon His people and they began to shake as a birthing was taking place.
Limitations and woundings of the "process" we're broken off and courage, strengthening and fearlessness were bursting forth from the people of God. A major SHIFT was taking place. From feeling like the process was knocking them around to them walking through the process with new strength, courage and fearlessness. Warriors of LOVE are emerging into the earth!!!!!
I then heard Papa say, "Watch their eyes" and suddenly I saw them lock eyes with Him, and I saw hope rising in their eyes.
There are encounters waiting for the people of God with their Papa - encounters with His love right now that is going to bring a breakthrough and shift in the process. Refreshment and restoration of soul is BLOOMING forth as you step into the invitation to be embraced by the One who DELIGHTS in YOU!!!! This invitation to step into Papa's embrace is bringing about one of the greatest shifts of your life thus far beloved.
You Will Arise!
He is calling you out, calling out the warrior within you. You will not die in this process but you will ARISE! Now is your time! You will no longer be battered and wounded by the process but move with Him in great courage, fearlessness and strength. You are taking new ground with Him and there is breakthrough in your wings. You are taking back ALL that was taken from you and more.
You are moving forward, into new waters. You are moving into new lands and into new grounds. Papa is calling you out! Perfect love is calling out the warrior within you and seeing you arise and forging new ground into the biggest and most glorious realm of breakthrough you have ever stepped into.
He adores you warrior!
Lana Vawser?